Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Pope Drowns!

After a suitable period of reflection, I've decided to drop out of this year's festivities. I've won Nano in the past, but I no longer see the point of producing crap just to attain some arbitrary word count. I suppose Nano is great for those people having trouble getting words on the page. I don't have that difficulty. Getting interesting words on paper, now, that's my whole problem. Nano can't help me there.

I've enjoyed Nano immensely and totally support the concept, but it's time for me to move on. I'm still writing and will use the blog to talk about that when the Nano dust settles.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Week One : Fire and Ice

First couple of days I blazed a way up to 6,000 words or so. That was the fire. Then I missed a day. My word count looked to be in mortal danger, with the game barely started. Now I'm back on course punching words out with cool confidence. Ice.

I'm still behind. . .just for today. The Ice Man Cometh.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Pope's in the Pool!

November, at last! Started writing at 12:01 a.m. For about 15 minutes. Just to get my feets wet. My quota's still not done for the day, but that's normal for me. I'm almost always behind. That's why I gotta get off this computer--and get ahead.

. . .to be continued.

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