Sunday, April 18, 2010

Script Frenzy : Midpoint

According to Blake Synder in Save The Cat!, midpoint starts on page 55 of the script. I'm on page 59, so I'm actually a teensy bit ahead of schedule. Midpoint is "either an up where the hero seemingly peaks. . .or a down when the world collapses all around the hero." *

My midpoint feels like an "up".  Not storywise, though. Even though I'm not actually at the middle of the story in the script, the process is continuing normally. That's the "up".  Also having fun writing scenes in and out of order. These are the fun "candy bar" scenes I want to write first.

So I've written the opening. I know the end.  I guess what I'm writing now is mostly Act II stuff, or Fun and Games as STC puts it. Anyway, I'm getting my quota done. Should be no problem finishing on or before schedule. Except, of course, it's hell getting myself to write sometimes. If this were a "real" script I could sell, maybe I'd be writing up a storm. As it is, I'm barely getting my quota done. On the other hand, I'm doing this mainly as a way to force train myself to write every day before tackling The Next Novel in May.

Mr. Writer Machine lurches on. . .

* STC - p. 82 


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